Great style examination. I second this x though it seems she is working with a stylist or a different stylist as her previous roll was too basic but not on point. Don’t you think?

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I do, 100%! I'm just so happy you can still see her style but with better proportions, accessories and colours

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Jun 19Liked by Julia Norberg

This was fun! I am so envious of her hair.

- someone with a curly bob

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Oh Grace, I'm envious of YOUR hair! The best accessory

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Jun 19Liked by Julia Norberg

So good! Love this, and would love to see it done with others too.

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Yay, that makes me so happy! Might have a look at others too if that's something that would be fun to read?

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Jun 20Liked by Julia Norberg

+1 to that — this would make for a great series! It’s particularly helpful to get your analysis of why something isn’t working (or is)

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Jun 20Liked by Julia Norberg

I agree! I often struggle to pinpoint why some things don’t work

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Yay! Will continue for sure

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Hm okay, that's great to know! It was super fun to write so if you like it I definitely want to do more

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Jun 19Liked by Julia Norberg

This was a truly fun exploration! I have a longstanding love of celebrity street style and it’s a fun practice in looking at what works/doesn’t because celebs are often working with stylists so their base knowledge is better than the layperson.

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I did consider that aspect, that some of these may not actually be Dakota through and through but put together by a stylist. Celebrity street style is always to be taken with a pinch of salt I guess!

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Jun 19Liked by Julia Norberg

On the contrary; I think stylists work best when they have a great client. Jennifer Lawrence's style was a true 180 with her stylist but she is the one who looks great.

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That's true! At first I was a little sceptical towards the whole craze around her new style but now I'm equally as devoted😅

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Jun 21Liked by Julia Norberg

I was just about to comment about Jennifer Lawrence! I would love to see an analysis on her street style - initial skepticism and all haha

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She's definitely worth looking into! Thank you for sharing your thoughts :)

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Jun 28Liked by Julia Norberg

Subtle things make all the difference! This is why I love taking a photo of my outfit, so much easier to see what's working and what's not! Also shows the importance of a great haircut!

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Yes and yes! I’ve started documenting my outfits and am already able to decifer more and more about what makes me feel great and why. Still looking for my holy grail hair cut…

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This is a great streetwear observation over Dakota Johnson 🤍

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Thank you!!

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Jun 22Liked by Julia Norberg

It seems that lately Dakota can do no wrong. ♥️ Would love to know what those long straight leg jeans are that she’s wearing with the white button down & looks like same pair with the aubergine cardigan?!

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I know, they’re so great! I think maybe the ones with the white button down are ever so slightly more flared at the bottom? I have a slightly similar pair from Weekday called the Seattle which are perfectly straight-legged

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Jun 22Liked by Julia Norberg

Love that you included a few looks that are “not her best.” Sometimes those can be more helpful than the looks that nail it. Loved this!

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I'm so glad you liked it! It's always fun to show a range, right? So there's something to compare. That way it's easier to spot the details that really work

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Jun 21Liked by Julia Norberg

Loooved this! Kept coming back to the fit for me - in the ‘meh’ it’s like everything was a little too fitted? In the ‘wows’ it was the relaxed, effortless fit that made it? How good is street style though?! Thank you for bringing this to us🙏🏼❤️✨

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Thank you Emily for reading and commenting! I agree that the proportions and the fit are the biggest difference in nailing these outfits

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Jun 22Liked by Julia Norberg


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